And I'm not just talking about fame and money. I mean success at any level. It doesn't matter if these people are building their own business, singing, painting, pursuing a career at work, or achieving success in performing physical exercises. The key to continuing to move in the right direction is consistency, habits, or you could call it routine. They have managed to build something that allows them to regularly engage in certain activities in which they naturally grow, move forward, and achieve their dreams.

Consistency will always beat intensity, and often talent. It is this characteristic that we will consider in more detail today, and at the same time, we will give you effective advice. They will help you create habits that will pave the way for success.

What is a habit?

One of the main pillars of success is habit, it is actually a pattern of behavior that we perform repeatedly and consistently. If you think about it, you will most likely find that you have dozens of such habits in your life. However, you have been practicing them for so long that you subconsciously do them automatically and don't pay too much attention to them. This can be, for example, brushing teeth, having regular breakfast, going to work, studying, or driving.

You don't need to think about how many moves you need to make when you want to get behind the wheel of a car. Your brain is not focused on the need to find and take the keys, put on shoes, open the door, sit down, start the engine, etc. In short, he will do it without thinking, and the only way to achieve this is to do it so often and regularly that it has become automatic. This habit can also be applied to training, studying, and other areas of your life. 

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Effective tips on how to turn exercise into a habit

If you want to become one of those who made exercise a habit, get inspired by our tips below. They will help you create a new regime and not miss a single workout. And therefore, to achieve the desired results. You'll find that over time it will become automatic and more natural, and it doesn't matter how long it takes you to get there. 

1. Start step by step

If you want to become one of those who made exercise a habit, get inspired by our tips below. They will help you create a new regime and not miss a single workout. And therefore, to achieve the desired results. You'll find that over time it will become automatic and more natural, and it doesn't matter how long it takes you to get there. After all, the journey is the destination

Nowadays, most people want to get everything at once, but this approach will not get you very far. It is important to start step by step. Most importantly, don't try to change too many things at once, but focus on forming just one new habit at a time. For example, try wearing sports clothes for a day and gradually get used to your future look. You can also try a super short workout. Just do 10 squats, and then you can happily cross this exercise off today's list.

Or just walk around the block or house - and you're done. Start slowly, but do it every day and gradually increase the intensity or frequency of your workouts. If you need help getting started, you can try a strategy called the 2-minute rule. It's very simple and only focuses on how to start the class, so it shouldn't take more than 2 minutes.

2. Set small or realistic goals

If you are at the beginning of your journey and have barely done a couple of workouts, then you probably shouldn't immediately set yourself a bold goal like "I want to lose 10 kilograms ". Most likely, you will not succeed because several factors will play a role. You may skip a workout from time to time, or even realize that it takes more than just a week or month to burn that many calories.

Therefore, your goals should be achievable from the very beginning. This will make it more likely that you will stick with the exercise and make it a habit. If your goal is to lose 10 kilograms, you need to take it step by step. Break this goal down into smaller parts – you want to lose 0.5kg per week. It's not that much anymore, is it?

However, 0.5 kg per week must equal 2 kg per month. This means that if everything goes well for 5 months, the desired 10 kg of weight loss will be achieved. And believe me, this time will fly like an arrow. Don't forget to track your progress and control your weight

3. Plan your workouts in advance as a matter of urgency

You'll probably agree that skipping a workout is no way to build a habit. One of the reasons that keeps people from exercising regularly is the lack of time they can spare. So schedule your workout as an urgent thing to do today. You can think of it as a visit to the doctor, scheduled for an exact day and time. 

If something goes wrong, you're more likely to cancel other things because you consider the doctor's visit your number one priority. This is exactly how you should approach your planned workout. You can express your intention to go to training, for example, by writing about it in your diary:

4. Have a backup plan

Sometimes, despite trying to plan, especially in the beginning, things don't go as planned. If you can't get to the gym, prepare a plan B. It can be a 10- or 20-minute workout. Everyone should be able to find that much time in their day. You will still have 23 hours and 40-50 minutes left in your day

You can do a quick workout at home, walk around the block, or around the house. Or choose any other physical activity that won't leave you feeling like you've broken a developing habit and gone back to square one. Again, you can express your intentions with a sentence

5. Prioritize consistency over intensity

At the beginning of the journey, don't be too hard on yourself, set reasonable goals, and don't worry about weighing yourself daily. It is more important to build a new regime that you will stick to. Progress to the dream figure will not be delayed. It makes sense to exercise regularly, for example, four times a week, and not start a senseless pursuit of a beach body a month before departure.

6. Do not overload yourself and do not compare yourself with others

Do you know the famous motivational phrase GO HARD OR GO HOME? Forget about her. Challenging workouts, during which you sweat a thread, are not in vain. But again, remember that in the beginning it's about developing a habit, and hurting your whole body is not the best option for this. If you push too hard, you can injure yourself and your efforts will most likely end in throwing in the towel. [10]

Also, remember that exercise is not about comparing yourself to others. Social media tempts you to do this, but try to focus on yourself. Your favorite bikini bodybuilder or fitness model probably spent years getting to where they are now. However, at the beginning of their journey, they were probably just like you. So be patient and the results will come gradually.

7. Don't be afraid to reward yourself

If you're trying to develop a new exercise habit, a reward is a great way to maintain consistency. This is also proven by a 2016 study. It concluded that rewarding yourself for each success along the way will increase your desire to exercise. 

Did you do sports today? 

Spoil yourself in the evening with an episode of your favorite series, if other duties allow you to do so.

Did you manage to go to the gym as planned? Reward yourself with a good book, movie tickets, or a glass of wine at dinner, or buy yourself a little something that will make you happy.

Did you exercise regularly during the entire first month? Feel free to go for a juicy burger or pizza without any remorse. You have done a tremendous job and certainly deserve to be rewarded. This kind of food definitely won't hurt your efforts if you eat it only occasionally.

If the usual rewards don't motivate you enough, go crazy and place a bet. For example, make a bet with your partner that for every workout you miss, you will give her $50. Sounds like a good motivation to not give up, right?

8. Find a gym buddy or suitable group workouts

It's always easier with a friend. If you want to develop a new habit, try talking to someone close to you. You will be able to motivate each other, and all successes will taste even better. Also, if you have someone close to you who exercises regularly, don't be afraid to ask if you can join them. This is a big advantage because a more experienced acquaintance will at least show you how to do it. This will allow you to avoid frequent mistakes and injuries.

One great solution can also be group training, where you will see many people with the same goals as you. This is often a great motivation to not give up and just do what everyone around you is doing.

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