Eat well?

Find out how many calories you need to maintain your current weight. To avoid fluctuating your weight, you need to know how many calories you need to eat to maintain your current weight. To determine your daily calorie intake, you need to know your height, weight, gender, and activity level. These factors affect your calorie intake. If you are a 90-year-old woman who is 1.60 cm tall, then you need fewer calories than a 25-year-old man who exercises regularly and is 2 meters tall. There are many apps and online calculators that can help you determine your daily calorie count.

For example, you can use this calorie calculator to find out how many calories you should consume each day. There are many such computers on the Internet.

You should also buy an app for your mobile phones such as Libra or My FitnessPal to find out how many calories your body needs daily.

Monitor your calorie intake. If you know how many calories you should consume each day to maintain your target weight, you need to closely monitor how many calories you are actually eating each day so that you can burn your calories. Do not exceed the count. Read calories on food. This way you will know exactly how many calories a particular food contains. With the help of calories in food, keep an eye on how many calories you have eaten each day.

Don't forget to include the calories from your breakfast in your calorie balance.

Use a food journal to keep track of how much you eat each day. Also, use a diary to track your sports activities. Each day, make a note of how many calories you have consumed throughout the day and how many calories you have burned during the day's exercise. If you burn and eat the same amount of calories in total, you will not gain weight.

If you have burned more calories than you used to, you should exercise less or eat more until the number is balanced. If you have more calories than you burn, you will either have to eat less or exercise more.

Choose low-fat foods. If you eat a diet high in fat, it can be difficult to maintain your weight. Has a high fat density. For example, very high-fat food like peanut butter has 380 calories per quarter cup. In contrast, low-fat foods such as spinach contain only seven calories per cup.

A certain amount of fat is an important part of a healthy diet. Include nuts, seeds, olive, or saffron oil in your diet. These foods contain many health-related fatty acids ("good fats") that are very healthy.

Choose foods that are low in sugar or not. Many foods contain extra sugar and thus help in weight gain. To lose weight, avoid adding sugar and read the list of ingredients in packaged and processed foods. The components are listed in descending order according to their total amount. So if sugar is in the first five or six positions in the list of ingredients in a food, then that food contains a lot of sugar. Avoid these foods so that you do not gain weight.

Sugar should not come from 10% of your daily calorie requirement.

Avoid sugary drinks and sweet fruit juices.

Other types of sugar include glucose, fruit juice, honey, malt syrup, jaggery, and fruit juice. For example, if you read fructose syrup on a food label under the previous ingredients, you should ignore it.

Drink plenty of water. Water removes excess salt and unwanted fluids from your body. Scientific studies have shown that if you drink two glasses of water before every meal, it can help many people lose weight or maintain weight. Even moderate amounts of water can fill your stomach and make you feel full. However, if you drink too much water, immediately. Will be deleted. Depending on your body weight and activity level, you need more or less water.

Men should drink 2.5 to 4 liters of water every day.
Women should drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily.

Have a full breakfast. Don't eat high-calorie foods like beans or donuts for breakfast. These foods often have a high glycemic index (an indicator of how fast food can raise your blood sugar levels). This will cause your blood sugar levels to rise rapidly and then fall quickly. When this happens, you will feel hungry and it will be very difficult to cope with the trials and not sabotage your diet. Instead, eat high-fiber foods such as whole-grain toast, muesli, or oatmeal, such as blueberries or strawberries, for breakfast. Take low-fat milk for your muesli and use a little peanut butter or jam for your toast.

Plan your meal
