The Best Dumbbell Exercises for Legs


The Best Dumbbell Exercises for Legs

The Squat (Exercise)

Squat dumbbell exercises for legs stand up and holds one dumbbell with both hands in front of your thighs. Lower your body by bending your knees until they form a 90-degree angle and raise yourself back up after a short pause. Keep your upper body steady throughout. 

The Squat (Exercise)
The Squat (Exercise)

The Reverse Lunge (Exercise)

Reverse thrust free dumbbell practices for legs Stand up and hold one free dumbbell on each hand at the edges of your body, palms confronting your body. Spot a foot back and twist your knees so as to cut down your body until your knees structure 90-degree points and raise yourself back up after a brief delay. Keep your chest area consistent all through.

The Reverse Lunge (Exercise)
The Reverse Lunge (Exercise)

The Fixed Lunge

fixed jump free dumbbell fitness for legs 

Stay strong with one foot in front, one foot back, and hold one free dumbbell on each hand at the edges of your body, palms confronting one another. 

Lower yourself without moving your feet until your knees structure 90-degree points and raise yourself back up after a brief delay. 

Keep your chest area consistent all through. 

The Fixed Lunge  (Exercise)
The Fixed Lunge  (Exercise)

The Side Lunge (Exercises)

side jump free DE(dumbbell exercise )for legs 

Stand up and hold one free dumbbell fitness on each hand against the sides of your body, palms confronting one another. 

Make a wide stride sideways so your knee shows a 90-degree point and gradually bring yourself back up after a brief delay. 

Keep your back straight all through. 

The Side Lunge (Exercises)
The Side Lunge (Exercises)

The Dumbbell Swings Through For Legs (Exercise)

The dumbbell swings through dumbbell exercises for legs with two hands between your legs and hunkers down until your knees are at 90-degree points. 

Lift yourself to a standing position while bringing the free dumbbell up over your head and gradually re-visitation the beginning situation after a brief delay,

Keep your back straight all through.

The Dumbbell Swings Through For Legs (Exercise)

                                                       The Dumbbell Swings Through For Legs (Exercise)


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